
Not only great casting, they are great looking. That is what I think defines a Bolt rod!
— John Sindland, professional guide
Well, If you are lucky enough to have discovered and purchased a Bolt cane rod, you will have purchased an heirloom worthy of the classic cane builders of the past.
— Steve Ellis, Owner of The Fishermen's Spot in Los Angeles
I tend to first think about what goes into the rod before I think of how it performs. 1. Integrity: Your rods have a virtue that is not appreciated by all. Quality and value are its character. A. Commitment: Commitment to the Gary Howells tradition of hollow built rods and wrapping the ferrules. Honoring this even though it requires more work. Your pledge and promise to keeping the handle in proportion to the rod even though many clients want larger grips (most builders have forgotten and you loose the feel of the rod.) B. Passion: Passion for the craftmanship of all which goes into building a rod. Your fervor for machining your hardware. 2. Tradition: Your rods are graceful and honor tradition. You can cast a tight loop. Or, slow up and allow your loop to open up and feel what fly fishing once was. And should be. Rhythmic. Smooth. Graceful. Delicate. Exquisite.
— Mark Brinkman, Owner of Classic Tackle Purveyor
Many things come to mind when I think of your rods. The smell of the varnish when I open the tube; Howells Tradition; Great Casting rods; exquisite varnish work; Classic Dry Fly Action, True Fishing Rods; works of art; and family heirlooms are just some of the thoughts that come to mind.
— Bud Frasca, Owner of Northwest Classic Tackle